The Facebook Group Sales Strategy Audit Call Is Designed To Make Sure Your Group Is All Set Up The Right Way To Maximise Your Sales Firepower

Having a Facebook group is an awesome way of building a community of hot prospects, but if you're not making offers and generating sales on a regular basis you'll soon begin to feel like you're working too hard for not enough gain.

Having a solid sales strategy and processes in place to make consistent sales is key to making an impact on your audience and your lifestyle.

I'd love to help you make sure that your Facebook group has everything it needs in place to generate sales regularly and effortlessly!

Who This Call Suits Best, What You'll Get From This Call, And How It'll Help You...

This call is going to be perfect for you if...

  • You're not generating consistent sales from your Facebook Group audience and aren't sure how to fix it.

  • You're working hard to put great content into your group but when you ask people to buy you get the silent treatment.

  • You feel 'icky' asking someone to pay you because you just don't see why they would... after all, you don't feel like an expert yet. ☹️

After this call you'll be able to...

  • Move your audience through a structured sales process without coming across as spammy or desperate.

  • Increase your bottom line by simply giving your audience what they want... a solution to their problem.

  • Know how to lead your prospects through the journey and know what products to offer at each stage so you don't overwhelm them.

  • Make a much bigger impact in your space. Help more people and finally get paid what you're worth! 👊😎

How it works and what you'll get...

Simply fill out the calendar below to book your 90 Minute Facebook Group Sales Strategy Audit Call with me. Once your booking has been made you'll receive an email with full details of how to access the Zoom meeting room where the meeting will be held.

The price for this call is £249 for 90 minutes.

How To Book Your 90 Minute Facebook Group Sales Strategy Audit Call With Me Personally

Select your preferred date and time from the spots that are available on the calendar below. As you proceed through, you'll be asked to fill in details about your business and other elements to make your time on the call more beneficial and productive. You'll also be requested to submit payment details as well as a few details about you and your business as you complete the calendar.

Finally, once you call is booked, you'll be sent full information about where the call is being held and what to do to get the best out of your time on the call.

You'll also get a recording of the call with full meeting notes so it'll be easy for you to review your meeting content as many times as you need. No need to scribble down any notes during the call... unless you want to!

What Other Clients Had To Say...

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