A Little Bit About Me...

Hi, I'm Sam Harradine,

I live in Wiltshire in the UK and I've been building my business with Facebook groups for over 14 years now , which means I've learned a thing or two along the way...

And the purpose of this website is for me to show you some of those things and maybe help you on your journey toward building your dream Facebook community without making the mistakes I did.

After all, a thriving community of people who know, like and trust you is by far the most powerful business asset you can have.

Hi, I'm Sam Harradine,

I live in Wiltshire in the UK and I've been building my business with Facebook groups for over 14 years now , which means I've learned a thing or two along the way...

And the purpose of this website is for me to show you some of those things and maybe help you on your journey toward building your dream Facebook community without making the mistakes I did.

After all, a thriving community of people who know, like and trust you is by far the most powerful business asset you can have.

But Why Listen To Me? And Why Take My Word For It?

I can be honest, I haven't got the biggest Facebook group on the planet... there are groups far larger than mine.

I've had groups over the years that have numbered into the multiple tens of thousands of members.

It seemed like all I did back then was spend my time adjudicating between member disputes with each other (or even worse, between the multiple admins I needed that seemed to want to run my groups their way), and because my main criteria was having as big a group as possible, I missed the most important things about the entire venture.

Things like:

Being able to really connect with my group members because we share the same vibe...

Having a targeted group that would possibly be interested in having me help them, and maybe become a customer...

Having a group that's manageable and not just a huge group of people trying to pitch their latest scheme to other members...

Having a group that's actually able to be monetised in a natural and non-spammy way...

I can be honest, I haven't got the biggest Facebook group on the planet... there are groups far larger than mine.

I've had groups over the years that have numbered into the multiple tens of thousands of members.

It seemed like all I did back then was spend my time adjudicating between member disputes with each other (or even worse, between the multiple admins I needed that seemed to want to run my groups their way), and because my main criteria was having as big a group as possible, I missed the most important things about the entire venture.

Things like:

Being able to really connect with my group members because we share the same vibe...

Having a targeted group that would possibly be interested in having me help them, and maybe become a customer...

Having a group that's manageable and not just a huge group of people trying to pitch their latest scheme to other members...

Having a group that's actually able to be monetised in a natural and non-spammy way...

So Why Facebook Groups?

Good question, and to be 100% honest, I started my first Facebook group kind of by accident.

Early on in my business I was unfortunate enough to encounter an online bully. This person showed an interest in the products that we were selling online at the time and came to meet me in person with a view to buying some stock.

A week later this person was demanding that I split the business in half with her and threatening legal action if I didn't agree.

I was floored.

Now I realise there was probably little that she could do as she had no claim at all to my business, but she poured on the bully tactics like crazy and younger, more naive me was intimidated.

I was frozen like a deer in the headlights.

What should I do?

I didn't want this person going after my customer base or stalking me online...

By chance, facebook groups had just come onto my radar (they were a new thing back then).

So, I started a Facebook group to keep her out and away from my customers.

It was the best days work I ever did because it changed everything.


Well, as it grew it gave us access to thousands of people who'd virtually 'put their hand up' and said they needed help with an issue that I could certainly help them with.

And once someone comes into your world and bonds with you, they tend to stay with you for the long haul.

Turns out, the easiest person to sell a product to is someone who's bought from you before and had a fantastic customer experience.

Not only are they a pleasure to sell to, they're also your best advocates because they'll happily tell other people in your group all about how you helped them.

It's 100 times more powerful than you going out and trying to convince people of how awesome you are.

Groups give you that.

Sure you can buy traffic (If you can afford it) but it's a case of buying stone cold leads.

They don't know you or what you're able to do.

And once you stop buying that traffic, the leads dry up.

Facebook groups don't do that, IF you attract the right people and treat your members the right way.

Good question, and to be 100% honest, I started my first Facebook group kind of by accident.

Early on in my business I was unfortunate enough to encounter an online bully. This person showed an interest in the products that we were selling online at the time and came to meet me in person with a view to buying some stock.

A week later this person was demanding that I split the business in half with her and threatening legal action if I didn't agree.

I was floored.

Now I realise there was probably little that she could do as she had no claim at all to my business, but she poured on the bully tactics like crazy and younger, more naive me was intimidated.

I was frozen like a deer in the headlights.

What should I do?

I didn't want this person going after my customer base or stalking me online...

By chance, facebook groups had just come onto my radar (they were a new thing back then).

So, I started a Facebook group to keep her out and away from my customers.

It was the best days work I ever did because it changed everything.


Well, as it grew it gave us access to thousands of people who'd virtually 'put their hand up' and said they needed help with an issue that I could certainly help them with.

And once someone comes into your world and bonds with you, they tend to stay with you for the long haul.

Turns out, the easiest person to sell a product to is someone who's bought from you before and had a fantastic customer experience.

Not only are they a pleasure to sell to, they're also your best advocates because they'll happily tell other people in your group all about how you helped them.

It's 100 times more powerful than you going out and trying to convince people of how awesome you are.

Groups give you that.

Sure you can buy traffic (If you can afford it) but it's a case of buying stone cold leads.

They don't know you or what you're able to do.

And once you stop buying that traffic, the leads dry up.

Facebook groups don't do that, IF you attract the right people and treat your members the right way.

So What Does All This Mean To You?

Well, because I've gone all in with groups, I'm known as the expert that the experts call when they need help with their groups.

I've had the privilege to be approached by Meta directly to work with their team and advise on the construction of their community management certification qualification.

I've also been honoured to work with many influential marketers and entrepreneurs.

My company is Meta certified and I'm also a Meta certified community management expert.

Long story short, this basically means I know my stuff when it comes to Facebook groups, and if you're looking to build one yourself, I'd be delighted to help you 😊.

Well, because I've gone all in with groups, I'm known as the expert that the experts call when they need help with their groups.

I've had the privilege to be approached by Meta directly to work with their team and advise on the construction of their community management certification qualification.

I've also been honoured to work with many influential marketers and entrepreneurs.

My company is Meta certified and I'm also a Meta certified community management expert.

Long story short, this basically means I know my stuff when it comes to Facebook groups, and if you're looking to build one yourself, I'd be delighted to help you 😊.

Copyright © Sam Harradine - All Rights Reserved